Thursday 11 April 2013


Once finishing my final front cover, I got several friends to analyse it and say what kind of target audience I was aiming at.
I looked at the magazine and straight away it is obvious it is aimed for the teenager audience. With the front cover, the picture makes it obvious it’s not aimed at older people who like music but instead young people who are starting to choose what genres of music they like. The music shown on the cover instantly says it’s a magazine that doesn’t specialize in one particular genre of music but tries to cover all main genres in one magazine.
Although I feel more could have been put into the magazine to make it stand out a lot more.

I think the cover is too simple; personally I wouldn’t buy it because I feel there isn’t enough going on in the cover. Although the music is good I feel that there could have been more text on the cover to take up all the empty space.
With the colour scheme I feel that it’s a pretty good decision to have red, although with the background picture the door in the background could have been removed and would have given it a more professional look. The text in the cover is really good however and makes it even easier to read. the colour of text with the colour scheme of the rest of the page means it works really well and stands out from the rest of the page.

I agree with crystal. I think the picture is an average picture for a magazine. Nothing special or exclusive about it so there’s anything I feel attracted to. If it was in a shop i don’t think it would stand out, it just looks too simple. the colour scheme and text etc make it really easy to read and are attractive to look at. The only improvements that could be made were the fact that the cover is too dull and more needs to be happening in the cover.

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