Monday 22 April 2013

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

While making my magazine I learnt how to use the programmes and the processes that are involved in the production of magazines. Using the programmes enabled me to create a nicer magazine than if I was to use Microsoft Publisher. Using Serif Page Plus I was able to edit my photos with different amounts of brightness and contrast. I found that doing this was really simple and helped me evolve my magazine into something more likely to be sold on a shelf in shops.
With the use of Serif Page Plus I learnt how to create a more attractive page with use of colours and various conventions. With the use of this I was able to make my front cover photo which is on my final design.
On earlier versions of my final design I learnt how to use cut-out studio to help get rid of particular parts of the photo. With this I was able to make parts of the photo stand out creating a much more interesting photo.

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