Monday 22 April 2013

Question 5: how did you attract/address your audience?

Using my research I found out that my target audience aren’t people who like to read a lot and instead will read the magazine with the intention of reading it quickly and not into detail. With this information i designed my cover, contents page and double page spread with inviting colours, pictures, big text and small amounts of text dotted over each page. The use of colours, pictures and size/amount of text means that they would have got attracted to it a lot more easily as they’ll know that it will be a relatively easy read. On the front cover i used big features with well known bands to attract the audience who are really into music. With some of the audience being into music a lot more than others having well known bands in it will attract them as it will tell them the magazine knows that their talking about when it comes to music. With a big picture on the front cover, it makes it look less daunting to the audience who are less keen on reading detailed articles.
With the contents page i attracted my audience by using articles that i found they would be interested in. with articles like “up-coming artists” they will be more attracted to reading it because from my research it was what they were into. I also used big pictures on my contents to make it obvious what the main articles were as they would be the ones they are most interested in.I also addressed my audience with the use of Facebook and Twitter. With people that age constantly on social network sites having a magazine page on them enables the audience to be a lot more interactive with the magazine not only through the magazine production but also online through other platforms of media.
The double page spread attracts the audience with the use of little text it as it will seem like a much less daunting read. The use of pictures addresses the audience and gives them a clearer idea of what is said in the article along with the quote. The use of columns attracts my audience also because it makes it look like there is less text and an even easier article to read. With columns also making it look neater and less daunting it entices my target audience.

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