Monday 22 April 2013

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

With my magazine aiming at 16 to 25 years old (teenagers and young adults) I tried to represent that with the topics and pictures used.  The picture used on the front cover is relatable to the younger audience. With Peter (the guy in the photo) looking so young and on his knees it is less intimidating to younger readers and shows a more welcoming look to the cover. With the audience being young adults or old teenagers, having a photo that relates to them gives them more of a reason to buy/read it. The reason for this is because the topics will be more relatable than if it was a superstar talking about how paparazzi follow them around. Having a topic that they can relate to e.g. starting out a band means they will understand what they’re going through and be much more enticed to know how they deled with their problems.
In my lifestyle questionnaires for the planning of my magazine i found out that my aimed target audience go out a lot. With this in mind my front cover appeals to those kinds of people because of how it is presented. The use of little text on the cover and one simple picture means they will be more attracted to the cover as it is a less daunting read. The use of features on just one side of the cover makes it much easier to read for people in a rush as they know they will all be in one place on the page.  The choice of features on the cover also helps. With my features being about guitar based/ electronic music it helps relate to my target audience as that is the kind of music my audience listen to.  The font used on the front cover is big, bold and clear. The use of this means the audience will find it very easy to read. As my target audience are teenagers and young adults the text can be used to represent them. With the text being so big and easy to read it’s relatable to the audience because they don’t want to feel like their reading a posh, important magazine but instead a laid back relaxed one which is very easy and simple to read (just like the text).

My contents page represents my target audience with use of features and chances to be interactive with the music magazine. The division of the page with the use of gutter separates the column of article names/page numbers with the pictures showing the main articles in this month’s issue. The articles in the bottom part of the column relate to the magazine questionnaire I did for my research. They include music rumours of artists and gigs and upcoming artists for the year. I chose articles like this because when I did my survey I found that my target audience were interested to know what new music and musical gossip is happening in the industry. The use of these articles in the magazine helps entice my target audience to buy the magazine. These articles represent what my target audience would like to read about. The use of Facebook and YouTube on my contents (the bottom right corner of the page) helps link to my audience because that is what they currently do a lot of the time. With my audience being so into texting, buying the latest gadgets and social networks having the option to interact with the magazine on Facebook and Twitter makes it more obvious to readers that this magazine represents this particular age of young adults/teenagers.

The double page spread is about my main cover line on the front cover.  It represents my target audience with the use of large pictures and relatable topics. With a massive picture on the left page and another of the lead singer, it makes it a much easier read which is what the target audience want. The band itself in the double page spread is the same age as my target audience. This helps represent my audience as someone a lot older than the band/target audience isn’t going to be so inclined to buy a magazine with articles about younger bands with a different genre of music.

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