Thursday 11 April 2013

rate card analysis

This rate card is of NME. It shows the average age for readers with the percentage of males and females too. It shows hows they know the average reader is in class ABC1. This means that they range from middle class to top class. With this information they know that they can put adverts in the magazine that will allow for people to spend a reasonable amount of their disposable income. In that bit of text as well they also have information about the circulation and readership.
With just that information they can work out what adverts would best fit the magazine and gain the most attention from the readers.

In the next paragraph in that column it shows how people view NME as a brand they can trust. That shows brand loyalty is strong.
They've also collected information on mobile usage and music. This means that people are able to use other forms of media with the magazine and could also mean that other adverts could be shown in the magazine.

Rate card and possible advertisers for my magazine:

Male: 69%
Median age: 18
Circulation: 20,000
Readership: 250,000
With companies to advertise on the magazine:
Hugo Boss
The reason for this is because of how the research done shows that they are an audience that do a fair amount of exercise, like the latest gadgets, care for fashion. All the companies above specify in those particular areas.

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