Wednesday 10 April 2013

Photo shoot plan

Photo-shoot Title:

Front cover shoot

Photo-shoot idea:

I want the picture to be very simple and not in a photo shoot background. This is because i want to make it relate-able to the readers. I want it to be very simple and not involve much photographic skill. As for the picture I plan to have a very simple layout and have it so the main feature of the photo stands out and helps me emphasize what the article on the cover will be about.


I want to have a picture that is very simple and tell the customer what the magazine is without having much text.  I plan to use very little digital manipulation; this is because I want to keep the photo as true as possible and not enhance it to give the artist a better look such as a darker skin tone/eye colour. The reason for no enhancements is because after analysing music magazines main front cover photo shoots I saw that they enhanced the artists so much that it could have misled the customers.  

Date and time

I plan to take the pictures indoors. The reason for this is that I am able to control the lighting and whats happening in the background.   


I plan to do it at a friend’s house while the band is practising. Although i am not taking photos of the band all together i want to be able to have their instruments with them so i could use them as a prop.


The only prop i plan to use is a guitar.


Two or three of the band members will be having photos taken. Not all together. The reason for this is that i a writing an article on how they are splitting up.


I plan to be the only one taking photos and doing everything else.

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