Monday 15 April 2013

Double page spread analysid

When designing my double page spread I plan to use the conventions shown below.
The text at the top of the page is done in the same font as there latest album is in. This makes it very clear to the reader that these two pages have been made just to talk about the band. With action pictures of them performing and fans waving banners for them it makes the article seem a lot less boring and for someone who plans to only read quickly through it, it makes it much more attractive to read and makes it seem that it isn’t just a boring piece of text to read.
With each element of the D.P.S there is different text. Almost all of the text on the page is in a very simple and clear font. With the white background of the paper, having black text makes it impossible to miss. The small paragraph to the left of the article is in a completely different font. With two different fonts conflicting your eyes are drawn straight to that just before you read the article. The text gives a small summary about the article and talks about the band and the performances they’ve done.  With this text it makes any reader more anxious to read the article, it makes the article seem a lot more interesting before even reading it.
The text on the photos on the right page has white text on each photo describing what’s happening.  This text is in bold and stands out from each of the photos; the use of this is that it means that readers will know straightaway what the photo is showing. This leaves the reader knowing what the article is about and even more interested in what the article says. Out of the main text each name of artists and bands is typed in a different colour and in capitals. This makes it very obvious that they are of importance and helps the reader keep up to date in the article with what is being said.
With the pictures on the D.P.S the first thing that your eyes are brought to looking at is the big photo that crosses over onto both pages. With this action shot of them it entices readers to read more and find out what the photo is about. So many photos on the page it makes the article seem like a very quick and easy read. With pictures covering almost all areas of the page it makes it a lot friendlier to read and means there is no daunting big piece of text that is show.

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