Monday 22 April 2013

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression form it to the full product?

From making the school magazine to making my final design of a music magazine ive learnt how to create a more inviting product with better use of colour and pictures. When making my school magazine I used relativley little imagination to make it. I was using other school magazine conventions and nothing else. With my final product I learnt how to challenge or develop these conventions to create a better, more individual product.
Compared to my school magazine I also feel that I’ve learnt how to aim my magazine much more at my target audience. My school magazine was relativley plain and had nothing in it that really attracted a particular audience at school. With my magazine I’ve tried to aim my magazine at a much smaller group of people with a particular age group.  Compared to my school magazine my final product for my music magazine has features that are much more attractive to my target audience. With articles in my final product much more relatable to my target audince, ive developed skills that would help me focus on particular audiences.
With my designs for my music magazine having the majority of its features all on one side I had a slight problem with white space around the page. When making my magazine I developed my skills and was able to create much more inviting pages with the use of plugs and font/size of text.  Using different sizes of font enabled me to distract readers to the features on the pages and therefore make the magazine seem a lot more busier than if the features on the pages were all the same size.
On the conents page I’ve learnt how to make use of white space (gutters) to divide the page up and make it look a lot more attractive/ presentable. With my contents page using gutters to divide up the left and right hand side of the page, I’ve been able to make parts of my magazine stand out a lot more than others. With the left hand side being used to show all the important articles in the magazine I was able to have the right hand side designated to pictures about aritces. Doing this enabled me to attract the readers to these articles with inviting photos.
With my double page spread I’ve learnt how to make chunks of text seem a lot more inviting. With the use of quotes I’ve developed my page to make it a lot more attractive and as if theres a lot less text than there actualy is. With the use of pictures too I’ve learnt to make the double page spread more inviting with a big photo to the left and a smaller photo below showing the singer of which the article is about.

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