Wednesday 23 January 2013

School magazine analysis: Columbia Law School

The masthead is in the top corner of the page. This creates more room for features or the main articles photos. The font of the masthead isn’t san serif but is just as formal. This is due to the topic of the magazine.  They have presented it as a smart magazine and for well educated people. The target audience for this would be for high achieving intellectual people.
With the whole magazine cover not containing much text the picture takes up most of the customers view. The picture is of scrunched up pieces of paper that you would expect to see in the bin. On the sheets are tax return forms where you enter information about yourself. This vital form is the basis of the main article in the magazine and is directly linked to the title of the magazine.  The colours connote black and white print.
The main colour of the magazine helps the paper merge into one with the cover and creates an effortless look towards the presentation of the cover.
There are very little features for this magazine. This could have been done due to the topic of the magazine. The magazine is about law and politics, these features would be very detailed and the articles would be very boring to any average person. The size of the feature on the page is extremely small. The main feature is right I the middle of the page and is probably the most obvious thing o the page.

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