Tuesday 26 February 2013

Target audience average person

Brand product:
 Magazine: Visa
Target audience: 
 Teenagers and young men (majority men but some women too)  The most common preference would be for rock, indie and hip hop e.g. Arctic monkeys, Florence and the machine, Jay-z but would be always willing to try new bands. The reason I’ve chose these bands is because they are the bands that most people listen too at that age.
The predicted lifestyle of the audience:
They would be following the fashion trends of mainstream shops like top man or river island. They would be interested in the latest technology and most likely own a smartphone of some kind. They would be also conscious on how they look so would be going to the gym or jogging etc.  Post university and would have a reasonable income so have some of a disposable income.  When reading this magazine they wouldn’t want to spend a long time reading each article and would just like to quickly catch up on the musics latest news while traveling or watching tv.
Tone of voice (text on magazine):
This would be a laid back display of text and would have text that gets straight to the point. The style of the magazine would be a mainly visual magazine where each article would include obvious pictures that give a clear idea of what the article itself is about. However the text would be have very simple but good grammar, good enough to easily understand but not written in a formal way. The reason for this is because the reading time for each issue will not be very long. The majority of people read magazines to catch up on news and not read into details about the news.
The main advertisers would be supporting new fashion items and technology such as new looks from Topman, frequencies from Hugo Boss, not only fashion but they would advertise items like shaving. Another form would be the latest offers on technology e.g.  New apps, new smart phones.

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