Thursday 13 December 2012

school magazine

Here are my first versions of my school magazine.

Here is the front cover and contents page for my school magazine.  When making this i chose to have very simple pictures on my front cover and very little text next to it. This was done because when looking at other magazines i felt that they had way too much text and it was infact ruining the picture. I think its better having little text because it helps the picture stand out and make it more attractive and much easier to read.

On the contents page of my magazine i chose the exact colour scheme as the school logo. Although the colours do not seem very creative i was able to make it all based around the school logo. The school is the main focus on the magazine so i thought it was only right to base everything around it.

After designing my front cover and contents page first time round i decided to change my contents page. Although the colour scheme worked fine i thought i could improve it and use colour scheme to make certain parts start out. The most evident colour on this page is the bottom right part in a brigher red colour. The text in this part of the page has plugs on the magazine. They are used to improve attention on the magazine as customers would be more attracted to magazines with cash competitions than without. I made the colours just brighter instead of changing them completey. Doing this takes attention away from the school logo and makes the contents page text stand out alot more.

Here are my plans for my magazine. When finalising my magazine i compared my final design to my draw ups. The comparisions are very helpful and show me how close i was to my original design. With my final design i found that the size of the banners and pictures changed however the general idea of where everything is kept to the design. In my draw up i wanted to have the picture seperate to the rest of the front cover. This idea changed when i eventually got the picture on my cover. After talking to teachers and friends about their views on the plan i changed my mind and chose to have the picture covering almost the whole page. After looking at my plan im glad i changed it because it means it gave the magazine a more professional look.

Compared to the plan the final design of the contents page has stayed pretty much the same. With some changes like the movement of the school logo and plugs in my opinion i have only made it look better and much more organised. The reason for these changes was that i wanted to make the school logo more obvious through out the magazine as it is the school magazine.